instagram: @deeofo

Jennifer is an artist living and working in New York. 

Jennifer told Josette about her work, how New York inspires her daily, and starting an artistic practice later in life

I’ve always doodled, ever since I can remember. But I never really paid attention to myself. I’ve been working in theater for most of my life in management, taking care of big old Broadway Theaters. It wasn’t until this year that I decided to start to draw more seriously, with the encouragement of a friend of mine, who is a more serious artist. He gave me books on anatomy and helped me hone my skills.

I’ve always been a people watcher. I’m fascinated with the physical intimacy of people crowded in a city and yet I’m amazed by the complete disassociation and detachment. And the sadness and loneliness we all feel, even when surrounded by so many. The way people glance at each other, what are they thinking? Couples canoodling while others look on. People so exhausted they can sleep in front of anyone. There is so much to see in our subways and on the streets of New York.

I started with pen and markers. But then I discovered 53paper and an iPAD pro and apple pencil. So now, I shoot photos, go through them and pick the ones that I want to draw. I never spend more than 30-45 minutes on a drawing. If I start to overdraw, they lose their vulnerability. I also draw 3 minute sketches while I actually sit on the train. They’re very fast line drawings but I try to capture just the essence of the person.

It’s pretty amazing having a renaissance at 64 years old. I’m enjoying this new found craft. And I love how people are responding to the images on Instagram. It’s a whole new world.